Bachi Blackbird Hunter

Bachi was born first on 01.08.2024 at 21:54. Nice red male puppy.

He is 5 days old in these pictures.

The little team is growing nicely. :)
They have reached the age of two weeks, their little eyes have opened and they are past the first worm drive.
And the fatigue of weighing and worming must be rested. :)

Bachi and his brother and sister have completed their fourth week, so their second worm drive has taken place, and they are also getting to know the garden. They also like canned food very much. :)

Bachi is 8 weeks old. He has a very nice character. 🙂

9 hetesen ismerkedés a pórázzal. 🙂
Bachi 10 hetes, és majdnem 6 kg. 🙂
Bachi 11 hetes 🙂
Bachi 12 hetes 🙂
Bachi 13 hetes 🙂