Haruka Miyabisou
Haruka was born in Hokkaido, Japan on January 3, 2019. Breeder Masaharu Ito. This beautiful red grand daughter is the founding female of our kennel.
She took her first big trip by plane to Romania in June 2019, we went there for her and brought her home on August 8, 2021.
Haruval nagy utat tettünk meg, hogy bízzon bennünk. Sok időnk, munkánk van benne. Viszont mindez nélküle, az Ő segítsége nélkül nem sikerült volna. Végül bizalmat szavazott nekünk. 🙂
She is also friendly with our children, even though she had no contact with them before. Sht has a unique personality that we love. It's a big favor if you start sharing kisses.
She is distrustful of strangers, signals well when someone comes into the yard, but does not attack when we are there.
Kétégyháza breed inspection 2022.04.30:
- Opinion: 3-year-old 3-month-old female, TIP head, KK dentition, adequate bones, dark eyes, her chest could be fuller and deeper; well-pinned, worn ears; well-arched neck; adequate height at the withers; top-bottom line excellent; good angles (judge: István Orcsik)
- Result: can be bred
Health screenings:
- 04/05/2022 – hip dysplasia: HD X-ray – HD-B; ED X-ray – O
- 04/05/2022 - patella sprain examination: patella sprain - O