Reborn Pengu

Reborn Pengu was born on September 5, 2021 in Fegyvernek. Breeder László Gyetvai.

He was a playful and talkative puppy. When we went to get him, we knew that He was our puppy, that he was the loudest. :)

He fit into our family very quickly. A very good playmate. We started obedience training when he was 8 weeks old. It has been performing well ever since.

As soon as he received his mandatory vaccinations, we took his first walk, and at the same time socialization began. Many saw him as a shiba or husky. 🙂 No wonder, since there is not a hokkaido on every corner in Debrecen.

The exhibitions started in 2022, and we achieved good results:

Jászberény CAC 11.06.2022:  

  • Opinion: medium size, proportionate structure, good coat, good limb position (judge: Dr. Zsolt Molnár)
  • Result: excellent I., HPJ, Best Junior, HFGY/BOB

Nyíregyháza CAC 18.06.2022: 

  • Opinion: proportional, scissor bite, straight back, well-set tail, typical angulations, free movement, stable character (judge: Dr. György Tresics)
  • Result: excellent I., HPJ, Best Junior, BOB 
Hajdúdorog CACIB 03.09.2022:
  • Result: excellent I., HPJ, Best Junior, BOB (judge: Dr. Zsuzsanna Balogh)

Kétégyháza breed inspection 08.10.2022:

  • 13 month young male, good head, good movement, good bones, good conformation, correct eye color, well set, carried ears, well arched neck, well set, carried tail, testicles in place. (judge: István Orcsik)
  • Result: can be bred

Miskolc Marathon Dog Show 2023 results:

  • 29.04.2023 CACIB: excellent I, CAC (Judge: Péter Harsányi) 
  • 29.04.2023.Holdvilág CAC: excellent I, CAC (Judge: Gabriella Ridarcikova(Sk)) 
  • 30.04.2023.CACIB: excellent I, CAC, res.CACIB (Judge: Rafael Garcia(E)) 


Bringing Pengu home
First walk
First cosmetics
Jászberény CAC
Hajdúdorog CACIB
Miskolc CACIB

16.06.2023 – 19.06.2023 A working dog camp was organized in Kincsem Lovaspark in Tápiószentmárton. During the event, it was also possible to train in the tracking, obedience and guarding sectors (IGP sports and service areas), ask for advice from experienced professionals, and participate in theoretical lectures. 

We had a great time together with Pengu. We both learned a lot. Among other things, I was also curious as to what direction we could take if we finish the exhibitions. Pengu has been given obedience tasks so far, but we both still have a lot to learn. During this training, I, as a dog handler, was taught how to teach Pengu the tasks. I got a lot of useful advice.

We learned about tracking, which we haven't dealt with yet. I found out what katlan is…. 🙂 Our task was to create such a place for the dog, from which the tracking itself will start. What you needed for this: a kettle and a lot of hot dogs. 🙂 In the following days, we also laid a trail for our dogs starting from the pit. Pengu has a very good sense for this, his technique is good! 🙂

The third sector was guard-protector training. I did not expect the performance of a Mali, Doberman, or working German shepherd. Here we started teaching Pengu how to distinguish between good and evil people. Hokkaido is inherently distrustful of strangers, so this won't be easy. But the task was given. 🙂

Hokkaido is a complex character. Pengu is exceptional for me. Compared to the fact that he doesn't like strangers, he behaves nicely in company, he doesn't attack, but he expects others not to pet him or come too close. If someone spends a long time with him, he can get the chance to touch him, which is quite an honor for him. 🙂 However, the male does not like dogs at all, especially if they are bigger than him. 😀

On June 24, 2023, we took part in a Club show and a Special CAC show in Tolnanémed, where Pengu won two Excellent 1 CAC and club winner titles.

The organization was of a very high standard, we all had a great time! 🙂

Between August 4-6, 2023, we participated in the 3xCACIB organized by the Eastern Hungarian Breeders' Association. I am very proud of my dogs! Pengu results: 

  • 08/04/2023: KK teeth, good head shape, good movement. Result: Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOS (judge: Momcilovic Bognis Sanja)
  •  08/05/2023: KK teeth, good condition, good head, good body. Result: Excellent 1, Champion CAC, CACIB, BOB (judge: Sancanin Sinisa)
  • 08/06/2023: champion male with good body proportions and dark pigment, not yet fully ready. Nicely cut eyes, tight topline, slightly long croup. Properly pinned tail, energetic short-stepping movement. Result: Excellent 1, Champion CAC, CACIB, BOS (judge: Zoltán Baffia)

Although we no longer go to exhibitions with Pengu, we have not stopped working. We started obedience training on 28.02.2024, where we are progressing very well. We really enjoy the time we spend together, Pengu is always very excited when we go to the field. We are currently here:

Marching practice 07.09.2024.

Practicing planting and laying on the go 07.09.2024.

The obedience work has matured, today we have a successful BH exam (11.10.2024). There is a lot of work behind our result today, but we don't stop here, we keep going! 🙂 I am very proud of this good dog of mine!