Be-Bambi Imagini Mandava Kennel (Sora)

Be-Bambi, or as we call her, Sora, was born on October 22, 2022 in the Czech Republic. Breeder: Simona Hochmann.

She came to us shortly before Christmas, to the great joy of all of us. 🙂

She is a real woman, she has an opinion on everything, and she doesn't hesitate to share it with those around her. She is a very sensitive soul, this must be taken into account when training her, but her nervous system is stable and she tolerates the stimuli in her environment very well.

Her first two exhibitions were the Club Exhibition and the Special CAC Exhibition held in Tolnanémedin on June 24, 2023, where she received a very promising rating in the Puppy class at both events, and at the last one she was also awarded the title of Most Beautiful Puppy. 🙂


After that, it was organized by the Eastern Hungarian Breeders' Association 3-day CACIB exhibition we participated together with Pengu in the Borostyán Med-Hotel in Nyíradony. The setting was magical, although the weather was not very kind. The sun shone for two days (not surprising since it is August), and on the last day it rained. But Sora handled everything very well, performed outstandingly:

  • 08/04/2023: results: Excellent 1, HPJ, Junior CACIB, BOB, Most beautiful youngster. Judgment: KK dentition, good head shape, elegant appearance Judge: Sanja Momcilovoc Bognic (RS)
  • 05/08/2023: results: Excellent 1, HPJ, Junior CACIB, BOS. Judgment: good head, KK dentition, good neck, strong body. Referee: Sancanin Sinisa (RS)
  • 06/08/2023: results: Excellent 1, HPJ, Junior CACIB, BOB. Review: young female with a compact build. Accepting facial expression, dark pigmentation. Tight topline, promising rib cage, excellent rear limb structure. Easy, elegant movement. Judge: Zoltán Baffia (HU)

Sora appeared on two days in the Best In Show, where she achieved 4th place in V. Breed Group both times!


She has a very nice, clownish nature. She is constantly smiling, flattering and playing, telling endless stories about her day. 🙂
Sora's judging, Judge: Sanja Momcilovic Bognic
Her turn in the BIS round 04.08.2023.

I took Sora with me to my workplace. She quickly got over her initial shyness, and she relaxed so nicely with games and walks that she even took a good nap in the afternoon. I am very proud of her! 🙂


Exhibitions planned for 2024:

  • 2024.05.18 – 05.20 Szilvásvárad CACIB Speciál CH
  • 2024.06.08 – 06.09 Derecske CAC
  • 2024.08.02 – 08.04 Debrecen CAC
  • 2024.09.06 – 09.08 Hajdúdorog CACIB Speciál CH

January 20, 2024 breeding inspection, Kétégyháza



  • Light head, KK teeth
  • Good bones, slightly airy chest
  • Well-pinned ears, well-curved neck
  • Adequate height at the withers, good underline, well set, carried tail, appropriate angulations
  • Good movement

Szilvásvárad Hungary 3xCACIB Show

Results in Open Class:

18.05.2024: Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, Best of Breed Judge: László Erdős

19.05.2024: Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, Cruft's qualification, Best of Breed Judge: Mr. Petru Muntean

Sora behaved like a real barking dog. She excelled in the circles and allowed herself to be petted by strangers in a manner uncharacteristic of his breed. Sora's character is absolutely fantastic. She got through the days with incredible patience and dedication!

Excursion in Szilvásvárad

Special and Club show of the American Akita and Ancient Dog Association
2024.05.25. Tolnanémedi

We already participated in the association's event last year and had a great time. This year was no different! The organization and the atmosphere were very good! Sora performed excellently at both the Club and the Special Show and achieved very good results!

Special show results: Excellent 1, CAC, Special winner, BOS Judge: Kristina Tar (UKR)

Club show: Excellent 1, CAC, Club winner, BOB Judge: Maja Korosec (SLO)


Sora Klubgyőztes Best of Breed

Hajdúság Dog Breeders Association Special Champion Weekend
2024.09.06.-2024.09.08. Hajdúdorog

Sora is a real show dog! We ended an incredible weekend with Sora at the Hajdúdorog Special CACIB show! We made history!

Sora did an excellent job, I can't tell you how proud I am of her!


06.09.2024: Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB, Judge: Vladimir Piskay; Breed group 1st place Judge: Denis Kuzelj

09.07.2024: Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB, Judge: Denis Kuzelj

09.08.2024: Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB, Judge: Dr. Zsuzsanna Balogh

We have never been on the 1st step of the podium!! I was terribly happy, Sora was honored! 😀
Let me see why she was so happy about it ...
In front is Sora, an open-class Hokkaido female, behind her is a junior-class male